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Friday, May 10, 2013

I was driving to work yesterday and realized how beautiful Iowa is.  The rolling hills are green and lush.  The trees and bushes are just starting to bloom.  The farmers have not yet started to plant but I have seen a bit of plowing.  Spring is very late this year.  We have been so cold and wet unlike last year when we had temperatures in the 80's in March. 
The peas  I planted a month ago are just peeking up out of the ground.  The onions are up but the potatoes have not yet poked out of the soil.  Even the trees are late budding out. 
I need to work very hard tomorrow to get seeds in the ground, wire and posts up for verticle planting, a place to grow greens for the rabbits, and swapping out bee boxes and frames.  Spring is very busy.  I can't keep up, or get everything done.  I am not sure I could keep up even if I didn't work outside the home!
This has been a very stressful week.  My BFF's father has been very ill.  He has been a second father to me.  When Cindy and I went out (years ago of course....) he would take care of us and remind us to be "good girls".  He has had a bad week and died last night.  I am thankful he is at peace, but I am sad he is gone.