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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Molly is a working girl now

Last week I went to the “upper garden” to check things out. This is a spot I planted berry plants and the leftover starter plants in. I started “clearing” the area a couple of years ago by covering the grass/weeds with a layer of cardboard and straw/hay/leaves etc. I love this way of clearing a new area, not so much work!

The berry plants are finally starting to take off. We got a few golden raspberries this year and some really huge blackberries. I don’t know if the blueberries are ever going to take off. The soil is not exactly what they like.

I planted lots of tomatoes and peppers in March as starters to share with our neighbor and Delana. Unfortunately neither of them wanted any, so I had quite a few left overs and nothing to do with them. Rather than throw them away I planted them in the area that had little time to prepare to be a growing field. I was quite proud of they way they popped up; some had fruits on the plants already. Not bad for a left over useless piece of land.

When I went up the other day I was filled with horror. Most of the tomato tops were gone, some of the pepper plants were munched, lots of berries were eaten, and the pumpkin and gourd plants had been decimated. We don’t have that area fenced in, I am not sure if it ever will be. I decided that Molly needs to start doing her job, and be a farm dog. I told Phil I was moving her doghouse and she was going to start sleeping outside from now on. He is not happy with me. He wants the animals to all sleep in beds, with pillows and comforters. She is doing a wonderful job protecting “her” property. I am happy to report that the deer have stopped eating that garden. Unfortunately since she is tied up she can’t protect everything and they are still munching what they can in the front area. SIGH, it just never ends. Molly is a hard working girl. I am thankful she is part of our family.

Molly got the emply peanut butter jar to clean it out ... then got it stuck on her head!

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