I have been learning more about nutrition, and realizing how much I don't know. One of the things I am trying to understand more about is sprouting grains. As I understand, grain doesn't digest properly in humans, it is intended for cattle and they have 4 stomachs to digest it. Grain has been shown to cause humans to gain weight, and their bodies are not as strong and healthy and they should be. My friend Jen told me how to sprout wheat, which will apparently change the entire structure of the grain and make it easier for the body to digest.
Olivia gets her turn at kneeding
Last weekend I sprouted a batch of wheat and they dried it in my dehydrated. I froze it so it didn't spoil. The kids came out Friday night to spend the night. On Saturday The girls and I made bread. We ground the wheat into flour. Olivia was amazed that the wheat could change into such a soft great smelling powder. We talked about yeast, and how it was a living organism. They were amazed at how yeast will make the bread "poof" up. I explained how we needed to proof the yeast with sweetener and make it grow. Ruby listened with so much attention and brightened up suddenly and said "We have to proof it to prove that it works". She got it!
Ruby is the first to kneed the bread
We used the Kitchen Aid to mix the ingredients but the girl worked hard to kneed the dough.
We are ready to let the dough rise.
The dough has risen twice and now they are shaping ad putting it into the stone bread pan for the final rise of the dough.
Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of the baked bread. They were to excited to try it! What a great day.
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