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Thursday, November 26, 2009

The good china

When Marci and Emilia moved in with me about 5 years ago I packed up some of the stuff I really didn't need. One of the things I packed up was my "good" china. It is not anything special, I got the set at Kmart around 1973 when I was still in high school for about $70. That was big money to me at the time. Back in those days a girl would build a hope chest with things they would need later when they got married. My China sat in Mom and Dad's shed for years until I moved back to Nebraska in 1985. After that it would come out for every holiday. After Marci and her family moved to Georgia, Delana and her family moved to England, I never unpacked the good china. I had no to reason to, I didn't really celebrate holidays or special occasions anymore.

Tuesday as I was driving to work thinking about my five days off I decided I would really like to unpack the tote and use the china. Yesterday I went downstairs and opened it. My first surprise was to find the birthday platter. No one remembered what happened to it. (I would have loved to use it a few weeks ago for Olivia's birthday.) My heart was full of joy ... and so many memories. I wish I knew how old it is, probably older than me.

I pulled out the dishes and Phil helped me carry them upstairs. Looking at them brought so many memories. Thanksgiving about 1988 - 89? The house was full of people, Jerry and Jackie, Aunt Dorothy, Mom and Dad, Barb and her family. I think we had about 25 people for dinner. The girls were so little .......... we were all so young. So many birthdays, Thanksgivings, happy wonderful days. The dishes are used so infrequently ........... and I wonder why. They make me smile. They make me proud to serve the meal I have prepared. What am I saving the dishes for? I think that every day should be special. Every day should be lived as if it is the last. Use the special dishes. Wear the new underwear. Kiss and hug your family tight and tell them you love them more than all the stars in the entire universe (Caelum you win AGAIN!!!). Of all the wonderful memories in my heart, my family memories are the best, the most painful, and the most joyful. I wish I could hold them all close and protect them from all harm and hurt.

1 comment:

  1. This was so beautiful. I have cried enough in the last couple of days, but here I go again. :) The table was beautiful and the meal was fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing the day with us.
