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Friday, December 4, 2009

Smoke on the mountain

A couple of nights ago Phil and I were sitting at the table looking through mail, and reading our weekly newspaper (yep, this area supports a weekly!!). Our local theater group was putting on another play and the opening was Friday. Phil said let's go. We say that a lot and never seem to be able to make time, but this week we did. I called him this afternoon to ask if we were still going, he said he had just been calling about the reservations.
This is a very small community theater built and run by locals. I applaud them because they have never gone into debt to run this theater, and still have built a very nice home for themselves. It started much like the Lofte in Manly with a few locals and an idea. These wonderful local people worked very hard to build it, and are still so humble.
Tonight's production sounded like an old fashioned revival, so I was excited to see what it was all about. The story revolved around a Baptist church in North Carolina in 1938. They were having a "song meeting". The plot was good, the acting was great. In one spot Phil was laughing so hard I thought he was going to fall out of his chair. The old women actors were hams.
The point of this post was not to revue the play, but to tell you what I saw and felt tonight. When we walked in we were greeted some 2 "old" women and one "old" man who welcomed us into the church. The entire thing was like walking into a baptist church in KY or TN or NC back in the 70's , almost a little like stepping back in time 30 years. When the singing started I was instantantly pulled back in time to my childhood (not the 30's .......... but old hymns never die) when Mom would take me to revivals, campmeetings or song nights at the church. I had NO trouble picturing Mom up there singing at the top of her lungs and totally off key. I remember how embarrassed I was as a kid listening to her singing. How I wish I could hear her off key top of her lungs singing again. Why do we think we are to cool for our parents when we are young? Unfortunately by the time we figure out how cool they are we have wasted a lot of time.
Back to the play ......... I am happy Phil and I had a date night. Even old people like us need a night out doing something fun.

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